Our institute currently possesses faculty expertise spanning both clinical and foundational disciplines. Through the integration of clinical and foundational expertise, we aim to lead our department towards its current mission and educational goals. Our founding principles and educational objectives align with the spirit of the school’s development plan and are executed with a focus on adapting to the trends and changes of the times, as well as adjusting to different environmental circumstances. In recent years, we have made significant efforts to recruit talents and elites from both domestic and international sources, thereby bolstering our teaching staff with more professionals possessing specialized knowledge to share teaching responsibilities and nurture outstanding talents. Additionally, the distinctive features of our institute can be summarized in the following four areas:
Field: Our institute encompasses faculty expertise in various fields of physiology, including cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, metabolic, renal, and signal transduction physiology. This comprehensive coverage distinguishes us from other institutions.
Research: Our research is divided into individual studies, clinical medical research, and molecular biology research. Particularly in the post-genomic era, molecular biology research plays a crucial role. By combining these three research areas, we aim to maximize the effectiveness of our institute.
Teaching: Due to the focus on medical knowledge at Yang-Ming University’s Yang-Ming Campus, our institute has expanded into the field of biomedical science in recent years. This expansion aims to retain more foundational talents for domestic service. What sets us apart from other institutions is that many of our graduates, while some continue their education abroad or work as postdoctoral researchers overseas, choose to return to serve domestically after obtaining their degrees and gaining international experience. This commitment to domestic service spans various fields such as biotechnology, academia, and medicine, resulting in the cultivation of numerous outstanding talents. This not only prevents a shortage of professional talents but also creates greater research potential for the entire academic or corporate sectors influenced by physiology.
Mission: Since the merger of Yang-Ming University and National Chiao Tung University in February 2012, expertise in physiology has always been a highly specialized field, whether before or after integration. Through the expansion of teaching and research resources following the merger, our institute can shine in the field of physiology with diverse faculty and research funds, thereby achieving synergistic effects greater than the sum of its parts.